This is the supplementary page for our project on VizItCards. The original paper was written by Shiqing (Licia) He and Eytan Adar and appeared in Vis'16.

Fall/Winter 2020 Labs

Zip files of each lab

Fall 2016 Labs

Instructor guide (please read this first): PDF or Word.

Zip files of each lab

All the constructive labs follow the same format. You can read our paper below and see the Fall 2015 examples for alternative structures. The class was taught by Eytan Adar and Matt Kay this semester and our TA was Licia He (who is responsible for much of the content). Feel free to email any of us with questions.

Supplementary files for the original paper

Supplementary files for our paper: VizItCards: A Card-Based Toolkit for Infovis Design Education by He and Adar (IEEE Vis 2016)

Currently available:

If you want to run a VizItCards workshop, feel free to email us. We're happy to share our experiences with different instances. Please share your designs if you build new variants or have feedback!